Water Conservation

  • Check sinks and toilets for leaks. Drop food coloring or a leak-detection tablet in the toilet tank. A color appearing in the bowl indicates a leak that requires immediate attention.
  • Repairing a leak can save you cash as well as conserve water!
  • Turn off the sink in between washing and rinsing dishes, or when brushing your teeth.
  • Install water-saving showerheads or flow restrictors.
  • Low water-use toilets can save gallons of water with each flush.
  • Water lawns and gardens only in the morning or evening when evaporation is less likely to occur.
  • Landscape with native plants and other plants that love the Northwest. Generally, native plants require less care and water than ornamentals, and are less prone to disease and pest problems.
  • Place a layer of mulch around plants and trees to avoid excessive evaporation.